Earthadelik, recorded in 2018, is Silvermouse’s third album, and a departure into yet further cosmic magnitudes.
Earthadelik spanned a five year period. We had the name, the set list, and even the beautiful album artwork done by Andy Thomas ready to go right after our release of Space Country in 2012. At that point, our workflow had been to tour the material, and at the end of tour decide on the order of tracks for the album and record it live.
The tour that should have been Earthadlik happened over the summer of 2013. We partnered with Hortisculptures to play at their installation at a whole set of festivals across the UK. They had a very cool setup where they build water ponds and gardens at festivals and hung pods over the ponds that you could climb into and hang out and listen to music. We would play once or twice a day for the folks in the pods.

We had decided to move to Puerto Rico, and before the summer tour we packed up our lives in New Mexico and took all our worldly possessions with us to England. We bought an old VW van and named it Wilbert. Wilbert was a great companion, and saw us through the festival season. But after tour was over, we pulled in to Jo's parents driveway one day and something went wrong.

Luckily, the day before Justin had unloaded all of our instruments, so we kept those. But otherwise, we lost all of our clothes, computers, phones, kids toys. It was a hot mess. A few days later we flew to Puerto Rico. Life happened. We raised kids. We struggled with remote work and ended up living in a tent for six months (which Jo wrote about beautifully on
We moved to the mainland, raised kids, and survived Hurricane Maria. In the months after Maria without power and water, we connected deeply with our land, and realized that the vision of Earthadelik and the vibration of Andy's amazing artwork had now become our lives and our home.

A year after Maria, as life started to return to normal, we hosted a weekend campout at the farm and finally, after five years of life and brewing, recorded Earthadelik.